domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010

For the sake of our country lets ban Igreja Mundial and Universal

There are many evangelic churches in Mozambique that steal  money from our people in all possible ways . But Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus and Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus are the most dangerous. Two different churches and one goal: Money. They use God's word to manipulate the people, misguiding them to their final destination. When we control someone's mind, then it's easy to control their body. That's exactly what they are doing. These two churches are growing faster due to their campaign on local radios and TVs. They assume that they have power to cure amputees, to stop sorcery and remove evil spirits. This is just a campaign to bring more people to their club in order to exploit them. Many will say that there's freedom of religion. But we have to open our eyes and see that what they are doing has nothing to do with God and religion. It's a new way of business. Someone should stop them. They should be banned of  their activity. We are repeating the same mistake we did before: giving them the permission to decide what we should and shouldn't do. We are now free and we can't accept this happen again because at the moment we close our eyes, they are taking our treasures and becoming our slaveholders.

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