quarta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2010

Are we still slaves?

We all know that slavery is the worst page of our history. This form of subjugation of one man by another happened in a time where the black man were seen as an instrument of work and he/she should have its owner. Two hundred years ago, slavery was abolished and the black man became free. He couldn't be bought or sold. After the end of slavery then colonialism emerged and once again the black man was in the hands of Europeans. Our antecedents bravery fought for their freedom against the same enemy, the white man. Their small continent were not enough, they wanted more land, more richness. But our people did not gave up fighting back against the strangers. And one day, they recognized that colonialism was not the best way to get what they really wanted. Then they gave us freedom again. That freedom was worthless. We apparently had the control of our own land, our resources and our lives. But we were unfree because our leaders weren't working for us, but to the colonizers.  Some call this phenomenon "Neocolonialism". A new way to control African people and its resources. And today we think that the gold mines in South Africa, the petrol extracted in Angola and Nigeria, the diamonds in Sierra Leon, the large extensive of land in Mozambique belong to the African people. The history tells us that we are constantly target of the strangers. The same people who proclaim the human rights are the same who made ours ancestors slave, facing all misery conditions when transported in the slave ships. They argued that slavery was against the human principles, but again, they launched colonialism and neocolonialism. The history tells us that we are not free. There is no freedom. The misery condition of life faced by our people throughout the continent cannot be justified when we have land to cultivate, mineral resources, when we have people to work, when we have natural reasons to get out of this situation. But first we have to admit that we are not free, but we are still slaves.

domingo, 7 de novembro de 2010

For the sake of our country lets ban Igreja Mundial and Universal

There are many evangelic churches in Mozambique that steal  money from our people in all possible ways . But Igreja Mundial do Poder de Deus and Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus are the most dangerous. Two different churches and one goal: Money. They use God's word to manipulate the people, misguiding them to their final destination. When we control someone's mind, then it's easy to control their body. That's exactly what they are doing. These two churches are growing faster due to their campaign on local radios and TVs. They assume that they have power to cure amputees, to stop sorcery and remove evil spirits. This is just a campaign to bring more people to their club in order to exploit them. Many will say that there's freedom of religion. But we have to open our eyes and see that what they are doing has nothing to do with God and religion. It's a new way of business. Someone should stop them. They should be banned of  their activity. We are repeating the same mistake we did before: giving them the permission to decide what we should and shouldn't do. We are now free and we can't accept this happen again because at the moment we close our eyes, they are taking our treasures and becoming our slaveholders.

sábado, 6 de novembro de 2010

My Introduction

My name is Tomás Queface. I'm the owner of this blog and this is my first post in English. The idea to start posting in English language is no recent. I had this idea in the beginning of the past year. But I was not confident about my English. The fear of making lots of mistakes was bigger than my desire of writing in this language. I know that everybody makes mistakes. And if we don't make mistakes we won't know the correct way of doing something.

I have been studying English since 2007. I enrolled in an English school and I also participated in many groups involving people who also wanted to learn and speak English like me. My last group was called "English Club". It's a group of people whose meetings take place in the United States Embassy in Maputo, capital of Mozambique.

Why I'm learning English? Well, I'm learning English first because I think Portuguese is a very limited language. Not for Brazilians and Portuguese people whom have access to many sources of information. So the first reason why I'm learning English is to get information. Every kind of knowledge that can enrich my intellect. And in the internet I can find a large range of  information that I need. Second, because I like to meet new people and new cultures. Thanks to English I've friends all over the world, from Egypt to Japan, US, UK, Ukraine, Iran, Cameron, etc.  Well, that's it for now. I'll comeback soon with another post. Thank you for reading it.


Em breve o meu blog vai ganhar uma nova forma de ser. Passarei a postar as minhas mensanges em dois idiomas: Português e inglês. Durante trës anos me dediquei inteiramente a língua inglesa. Estudei numa escola e depois de terminado passei a dedicar-me por mim próprio. Com isto conheci muita gente além fronteira. Gostaria também que eles lêssem aquilo que aqui escrevo. De certo está também será uma forma de eu praticar esta língua. Há uma frase que diz Practice makes perfect. Desde sempre que vejo o inglês como uma porta para o mundo do conhecimento e não só. Finalmente sinto-me capaz de expor os meus pensamentos e de entender a qualquer um neste idioma. Estou mais uma vez a revolucionar a minha vida. Vou armazenando a maior quantidade de água possível para atravessar o deserto, e resgatar o povo escolhido, o meu povo. Acredito que o conhecimento é a salvação para a crise pela qual nós atravessamos. A língua será mais uma ferramenta adicional para o cumprimento dos meus objectivos.
Até breve...